About Gabriella Philippou
- Person-Centered Psychotherapist – Counsellor
- Focusing Guide (Experiential Therapist)
- Experiential Workshop Facilitator
- Support Group Facilitator
- Trainer for Programmes of Personal Development and Self-Knowledge as well as Empowerment Programmes
- Trainer for Programmes of Professional and Business Development
- Counselling Services for Secondary and Tertiary Studies
- Vocational Counselling/Guidance, Career Counselling, Coaching
- I am currently undergoing training in Person-Centered Supervision (I shall complete my specialization as a Person-Centered Supervisor at the beginning of 2022)
Since 2005, I have been working with children, teenagers, adults, couples, families and the elderly, offering Psychotherapy, Counselling, Coaching and Empowerment. Furthermore, I offer a wide range of services to organisations, foundations and companies concerning the continued professional and personal development of their staff which enhances, not only their inter-personal relationships but, also, maximises their productivity and efficiency.
Along with Psychotherapy, I also have my Social Outreach Programme where I give my services for free through colloquiums, seminars, lectures and the facilitation of experiential workshops for children (6-12 years old), teen-agers and adults.

Academic Qualifications
Holder Of
- The European Certificate of Psychotherapy
- Focusing Guide Diploma (Level I, II) – an experiential method founded by Dr Eugene T. Gendlin.
- Diploma in Client–Centered Psychotherapy and Counselling, The Czech Institute for Person-Centered Approach
- Master in Clinical Psychology, University of Indianapolis, USA, with a GPA A-
- Bachelor in Social Sciences, Major in Psychology, Cyprus College(now European University Cyprus). Awarded the Prize for Academic Excellence by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Member Of
- World Association for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (WAPCEPC)
- Network of the European Association for Person Centred Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (PCE-Europe)
- European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)
- Associate member of the American Psychological Association (APA)
- Full and Founding Member of the Pancyprian Association for Psychotherapists (PAP)
- Full and Founding Member of the Person Centred Chamber of the Pancyprian Association for Psychotherapists.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
I have participated in the following:
- Online pre-congress of IX World Congress of Psychotherapy “Psychotherapy to help citizens, families, groups, the whole society during the pandemic caused by coronavirus” hosted in Moscow, Russia. International Round Tables:
- Sunday, 28th June 2020 – Readiness of psychotherapy for upcoming global challenges
- Saturday, 27th June 2020 -Psychotherapeutic aid for children, families, societies in the world during and after the pandemic caused by COVID-19
- Friday, 26th June 2020 – Disturbances in mental health and psychological wellbeing and new opportunities for personal growth in the world during and after the pandemic. (COVID – 19)
- 10 June 2018 – Workshop, “The therapeutic work with parents with regard to the therapy of children and teen-agers”, held at IPSEPA
- 9 June 2018 – Presentation of rich, therapy material and tools developed and published by the Institute of Behaviour Research and Therapy, (IBRT), Greece, held at IPSEPA, Cyprus
- 14 October 2017 – Scientific colloquium, “The theoretical and clinical approach of the Psychosomatic School of Paris” presented by the Hellenic Psychosomatic Society held at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus
- 22-23 October 2016 – VII Cyprus Psychoanalysis Days themed as “Psychoanalytic Process: Through Dream to Fantasy”, organised by the Istanbul Psychoanalysis Association and the Cyprus-Turkish Psychologists Association
- 30 May 2015 – Conference, “Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and its Psychology”. Key Note Speaker: Dr Vamik Volkan. Organised by the Social Sciences Department of the University of Nicosia and The Centre for Therapy, Training and Research (KESY)
- 21-22 March & 18-19 April 2015 – Training seminar (32 hours) on Schema Therapy. Trainer: Dr Christina Vallianatou, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist (International Society of Schema Therapy)
- 29 to 30 November 2014 – Second conference on Systemic Psychotherapy in Cyprus, “Violence, as a form of relationship, prevention, therapy, alternative proposals”
- 15 November 2014 – 4 hour training on the Family Constellations method. Trainer: P. Vyras, Psychiatrist and EFTA Trainer, Athens Synthesis Centre
- 23 November 2013 – Colloquium, “The psychodynamic understanding of the relationship of the educator with parents and other professionals” organised by the European University Cyprus and the Cyprus Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- 20 October 2013 – First colloquium “Managing Change” organised by the Cyprus Association for Person Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling
- 10 to 12 May 2013 – Introductory therapy seminar on the “Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) (24 hours), organized by the Cyprus Association for Music Therapy in collaboration with the European GIM Training Programme
- 14 April 2013 – First symposium on psychotherapy “The psychotherapy movement in Europe – Review and prospects in Cyprus”, organised by the Cyprus Society for Integrative Psychotherapy
- 17 November 2012 – Second Pancyprian conference “Parents as carriers of the healthy psychosocial development of the child” organised by the Pancyprian School for Parents
- 10 to 16 May 2010 – Participated and presented a paper at the Grundtvig Workshops “Migrants,unused potentials” organised by the Institut fur Migrations – und Aussiedlerfragen, Oerlinghausen, Germany
- November 2009 – 22-hour training seminar “Conducting Vocational Orientation Programmes by using 16PF, CAB and OVIS tests organised by KESEA
- 28 May 2009 – Seminar “Multiple Intelligences: The First Twenty Five Years in an Increasingly Technological Age”.Keynote speaker: Dr. Howard Gardner (Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education) organised by the Cyprus Scientific Association of Educators for the Development of Information and Communication Technology (KESEA – TPE)
- 16 May 2009 – Second Pancyprian conference “Mothers at prevention” (4 hours) organised by the Community Council of Pera Horiou and Nisou in collaboration with KENTHEA
- 7 November 2008 – 5 hour training seminar “Using the Achenbach Standardised Questionnaires” organised by the Society for the Mental Health of Children and Teenagers. (Εταιρεία για την Ψυχική Υγεία Παιδιών και Εφήβων). Speaker– Trainer: Dr. Alexandra Roussou
- 20 to 28 April 2007 – 23-hour course on Raising Resources organized by International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) as part of the Cypriot Civil Society Strengthening Programme
- 20 May to 16 December 2006 – Educational workshops on Personal Development (120 hours) organised by the Institute of Continuing Education of KENTHEA. Facilitator – Trainer: Dr. Philip Lazarov
- 11 November 2006 – Scientific seminar, “Issues that concern modern couples” organised by the Cyprus Society of Family Therapy
- 9 to 12 October 2006 – Presented the topic, “The role of the religion in substance abuse prevention” at the 15th Session of the International Academy of Sobriety, organised by the International Academy of Sobriety, EMPASA and KENTHEA
- 17 June 2006 – First scientific colloquium “The Indian cannabis and the Cypriot reality” (5 hours), organised by the Institute of Continuing Education, KENTHEA
- 7-10 April 2006 – Educational seminar on “Motivational Interviewing and Relapse Prevention” (20 hours).Trainer: Dr Philip Lazarov, M.D. PhD. , Scientific Advisor of EMPASA
- 25 February 2006 – Second pancyprian conference “From youth to youth” organised by the Nicosia KENTHEA Association, under the auspices of the former Minister of Justice and Public Order, Mr Doros Theodorou
- 11 February 2006 – Twelfth Pancyprian Conference “Civil Society at Prevention” (6 hours) organised by KENTHEA, the Cyprus Youth Organisation and the University of Cyprus
- 13 June to 17 June 2005 – Was trained in cognitive therapy (40 hours) by Leslie Sokol, PhD, Education Coordinator, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research
- 11 June to 2 July 2005 – was trained as a Prevention Officer (14 hours) in applying/facilitating the experiential workshops of the Prevention Programme “Communication within the family” organised by the Institute of Continuing Education of KENTHEA
- 6 April to 17 June 2005 – was trained as a Prevention Officer (131 hours) by the Institute of Continuing Education of KENTHEA
- 29 May 2005 – Educational seminar in Eating Disorders. Organised by the National Centre for Eating Disorders, England, UK. Speaker: Deanne Jade, Principle, National Centre for Eating Disorders
- During 2005 – Was trained as a Prevention Officer (30 hours) in applying/facilitating the experiential workshops of the Prevention Programme “I stand on my feet”, designed for high school students and offered by the Institute of Continuing Education, KENTHEA
- 16 October 2004 – Conference “Childhoods in Cyprus: From children’s points of view” organised by the Centre for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence, European University Cyprus
- 9 October 2004 – Fifth Pancyprian Conference “Dyslexia – Cognitive Approaches – Educational Act” organised by the Pancyprian Association for Dyslexia
- 26 June 2004 – Scientific seminar “The influence of modern systemic thinking on the problems of life: applied to individuals, couples, families and wider systems. Organised by the Cyprus Society of Family Therapy. Speaker: Renos Papadopoulos, PhD, Consultant Clinical Psychologist: the Tavistock Clinic and Professor: Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex
- 14 June 2004 – Presented a project at the 3rd Psychology Annual Seminar “Psychology in action” organised by the Intercollege Social Sciences Department
- 21 – 22 May 2004 – Seminar “New Approaches in the field of Counselling and Family Therapy” organised by the Cyprus Society of Family Therapy. Speaker: Brian Canfield, PhD, Professor of Counselling and Family Therapy, Southeastern Luisiana University
- 4 March 2004 – Presented a poster on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia during the “Mental Health Day” organised by the Intercollege Social Sciences Department.
- 12, 13 & 14 January 2004 – Educational seminar organised by the Mental Health Services of the Ministry of Health under the direction of Dr. David A. Deitch. Topic: Training in toxic addictions for adult and under age users – I was also the official translator (English to Greek and vice versa) throughout the seminar
- 15 November 2003 – Colloquium organised by the Mental Health Surveillance Committee. Topic: Psychiatric Reform – Problems and Prospects