Support Group for Smoking Cessation
Support Group for Smoking Cessation Smoking is not simply a bad habit – it’s an addiction caused by nicotine contained in tobacco. Just like with any other addiction, people who are addicted to cigarettes have [...]
Support Group for Alcohol Addiction
Support Group for Alcohol Addiction Alcoholism Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol, usually to the detriment of the drinker’s health, [...]
Support Group for Drug Addiction
Support Group for Addiction to Illegal Substances (Drugs) Understanding Illicit Drugs One of the top problems facing modern societies is the scourge of drugs which is now one of the most important causes of morbidity [...]
Support Group for Anxiety/Panic Disorder
The Anxiety/Panic Disorder Support Group The Anxiety/Panic Disorder Support Group is primarily destined to support people who are experiencing anxiety and other related disorders. In a milieu characterised by confidentiality, self-respect, mutual respect, mutual support, [...]
Support Group for Grief, Mourning & Loss
Support Group for Grief, Mourning and Loss “Parting is inevitably painful, even for a short time. It’s like an amputation. I feel a limb is being torn off, without which I shall be unable to [...]
Support Group for Eating Disorders
What is an Eating Disorder? When the concern for body weight increases to an excessive extent, developing eating habits that threaten daily routine and, generally, the life of a human being. This support group is [...]
Individual Psychotherapy and Counselling
Individual Psychotherapy is one-to-one work between a psychotherapist and a client. People may decide to pursue individual psychotherapy for personal growth and empowerment or because they experience personal problems such as, intimate or familial relationship [...]
Couples’ Therapy and Counseling
“I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are or where you live, there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are [...]
Family Therapy and Counselling
“To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, [...]
Therapy and Counselling for Children and Adolescents
Psychotherapy for children and adolescents refers to a variety of approaches, methods and techniques used to help children and adolescents who experience difficulties with either their emotions or behaviour, or both. Despite the fact that [...]
- Tete – a- tete
- Over the phone
- Via Skype
- Via Zoom
- Via Viber
- Via Facebook Messenger
- Through emails
Apart from psychotherapy and counseling which are available to children, teenagers, adults, couples, parents and families, I offer a wide range of programmes and support groups.
You may find detailed descriptions of all the running programmes mentioned here below on the Upcoming Events web page.
Specifically, programmes for adults include:
- the “School of Parents” which has as its primary goal to support parents and future parents in the most difficult role that they undertake.
- the “Programme for Personal Development and Self-Knowledge”addresses all those who are interested in getting to know themselves better by continuing their “journey” for self-realisation.
- the “Career Counselling Programme” aims at helping tertiary education graduates to take the most appropriate decision regarding career change and/or further studies.
- the Bespoke Programmes are tailored to serve the needs/demands of educational institutions, business enterprises, foundations or other. They may include lectures, seminars, colloquiums and experiential workshops.
The teenagers’ programmes include:
- the Vocational Orientation Programme (14-year-olds)
- the College/University Guidance Counselling Programme (secondary school graduates)
The children’s programmes include:
- “A journey into the world of emotions and knowledge” which offers children the opportunity to develop their personality, their abilities and skills, to reinforce their self-esteem as well as to enhance their knowledge.
- “I love animals – I respect the environment” aims at enabling children to comprehend that humans are a part of the wider ecosystem and that human beings – animals – environment constitute an inseparable relationship which we must respect and develop.
Experiential Workshops for children, drawing from both programmes, shall be announced shortly.
Apart from the above, I offer and facilitate support groups. A support group is one where people with a similar problem get together and support each other in facing the problem. In a support group, people feel safe to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged.
The support groups which I facilitate are:
- Support Group for Addiction to Illegal Substances
- Support Group for Alcohol Addiction
- Support Group for Smoking Cessation
- Support Group for Anxiety and Panic Disorder
- Support Group for Grief, Mourning and Loss
- Support Group for Eating Disorders
Last but not least, my Monthly Events Programme includes lectures, seminars, colloquiums and experiential workshops which address the general public.
Services Offered

Individual Psychotherapy and Counselling
Individual Psychotherapy is one-to-one work between a psychotherapist and a client. People may decide to pursue individual psychotherapy because they experience personal problems, such as bereavement – loss, or professional problems, such as conflict at work.
As a Person-Centred Psychotherapist – Counsellor, I always bear in mind that my clients are individuals who have within themselves huge resources for self-understanding, for altering their self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behaviour. As a facilitator, during the sessions, I enable the clients to tap these resources in order to experience growth and changes and, thus, enhance their quality of life through the maximisation of their efficiency which leads to the fulfilment of their goals.
Couples Therapy and Counselling
Couples therapy is a form of psychological therapy used to treat relationship distress for both individuals and couples. The reasons for distress can include poor communication skills, incompatibility, sexual difficulties, or a broad spectrum of psychological disorders that include domestic violence, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and schizophrenia.
The primary focus of the couples therapy is to identify the presence of dissatisfaction and distress in the relationship, and to devise and implement a treatment plan with objectives designed to improve or alleviate the presenting symptoms and restore the relationship to a better and healthier level of functioning.

Family Counselling and Therapy
Family therapy or family counselling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. Furthermore, it helps to alleviate the emotional pain as well as the negative thinking patterns and other disturbing behaviours which are exhibited within the familial milieu, often causing despair, anger and chaos.
Needless to say, the aforementioned emotions comprise part of the spectrum which diminishes the quality of communication within the family. To conclude, family therapy can be used to help a family through a difficult period of time, a major transition, or mental or behavioural health problems in family members.
Therapy and Counselling for Children and Adolescents
Psychotherapy for children and adolescents refers to a variety of approaches, methods and techniques used to help children and adolescents who experience difficulties with either their emotions or behaviour, or both.
Despite the fact that there are different types of psychotherapy, it must be pointed out that all of them rely on communication as the basic tool which will enable them to bring about change in a person’s feelings and behaviours

Group Therapy
Group Therapy has a long, rich history in the field of mental health. An early development in group therapy was the T-group or training group also known as sensitivity-training group, human relations training group or encounter group), a form of group psychotherapy where participants (typically, between eight and fifteen people) learn about themselves (and about small group processes in general) through their interaction with each other.
Vocational Counselling/Guidance
In today’s fast-changing world, education cannot but be more and more valued. The better one is educated and the more highly skilled one is, the better one can cope with life’s demands.
Parents are, undoubtedly, the people with the greatest influence on the choice of studies that their teenagers will pursue. Consequently, parental responsibility towards their children is great. How can parents help their children in this critical decision that concerns their very future?

Support Groups
A support group is one where people with a similar problem get together and support each other in facing the problem. It is a warm and welcoming place where they can talk about their experiences and listen to each other’s stories. In a support group, people feel safe to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged. They know that everyone in the room truly understands what they are going through.
As a facilitator, I lead support groups by encouraging and supporting the discussion and the organising of group activities. Support groups are never the main form of therapy for people with different mental problems. However, they can be helpful when used with other forms of therapy. Members’ family and friends can attend as this helps to reinforce the efforts that their loved one is making towards recovery.
Wishing to play a protagonistic role in the field of psycho-education as well as in encouraging and assisting people to enjoy harmonious relationships, I have developed my own programmes which are divided into two major categories: “Ready-to-go” and “Bespoke”.
It is worth mentioning, that these programmes are constantly upgraded so as to accommodate the changing needs of today’s society.

The Events Programme consists of presentations on a wide range of topics which are offered through lectures, seminars, colloquiums and experiential workshops.