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The story begins to unfold itself in April 2005, when I set up my Psychotherapy – Counselling Centre.
My vision is to help diversify the enrichment of the quality of life of my fellow human beings, regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion or sexual preference. Within this context, I aim to assist people to explore and to enhance their abilities and skills within the framework of their personal journey for self-actualisation and self-fulfilment.
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What is Counselling ?

Counseling is the activity whereby a counselor counsels people on a broad range of problems and difficulties. Counseling is a process of interaction between the counselor and the person or persons who seek his/her assistance.

Κώστας Κόρτας
Η ποιητική συλλογή “Σκέψεις και Συναισθήματα”, είναι ένας οδηγόςγια το πώς θ’αντέχουμε αυτά που συμβαίνουν στον καθένα μας, γύρω μας και δίνει δύναμη να αγωνιζόμαστε, για να συνεχίσουμε να ζούμε μέσα από τις αναμνήσεις μας. Να παίρνουμε δύναμη και να εκφράζουμε τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματά μας για να λυτρωθούμε.
Κώστας Κόρτας
Journal of Business and Society
“It is my pleasure to inform you that the review process has been completed, and your manuscript entitled “The Cypriot Press and the Cinema” will appear in Volume, 14, Number 1, 2001 issue of the Journal of Business and Society.”
Prof. Dr. Andreas G. Orphanides
Ministry of Mental Health Services
“I would like to thank you and congratulate you for your offer and willingness to help in the direction of redecorating and painting the ward No. 24. We welcome such initiatives that involve, apart from the staff, volunteers from the community in an effort not only to upgrade the therapeutic environment and also to change the traditional image of the Mental Hospital as a close institution. As to the implementation of this project, Mr. Dafnis Koudounaris, our Administrator, will contact you to proceed with the necessary arrangements.”
Dr. A. Demetriou
E’ Public and Community Nursery School Lakatameia
“Within the framework of her Social Outreach Programme, Mrs Gabriella Philippou delivered a lecture at our nursery school on 9.2.2012, with the topic “How to bring up children instilling in them optimism, intelligence, certainty and self-confidence”. Part of the lecture focused on “How to handle sibling fights.”The lecture, which was attended by 40 people, was followed by a very constructive discussion.The lecture participants evaluated the level of the lecture as excellent.”
Ioanna Neophytou
Rotary Club Nicosia – Salamis
“The speech was followed by many questions which Mrs Philippou answered with eloquence and in a very comprehensive language.Overall, it was a very enjoyable evening as the excellent communication skills of Mrs Philippou created a friendly atmosphere for the participants. It is worth noting that all attendees gained in knowledge and skills as to how to handle their professional and personal obligations so as to avoid or minimize the impact of “The Burn Out Syndrome”.”
Antonis Toumazis
Nicosia Municipality Multifunctional Foundation
“Gabriella Philippou’s work with Nicosia Municipality Multifunctional Foundation and more precisely with the “Counselling Centre”.She mainly worked in small groups and she was dedicating two (2) hours per session (lecture/workshop). To achieve her goals she used a mixture of methods such as role plays, presentations, quiz as well as other group activities. She had the ability to communicate with the participants and gave them the opportunity to express their selves at an emotional and verbal level. The participants’ experience was an inspiration for her and adjustments were made on the sessions in order to fulfil their participants’ needs.”
Constantinos Yiorkadjis
Business Woman of the Year Awards
“As the Patron of the Business Woman of the Year Awards, I would like to congratulate you on your achievement in reaching the Finalist stage.The speech/presentation you delivered on “my professional achievements and challenges as a woman in business” was of great interest to the delegates.”
Lesley Faulkner
Ladies@Lunch Group
“On behalf of the Ladies@Lunch Group, I would like to formally express my appreciation for your attendance and excellent presentation at Elea Golf Course Estate Paphos on Monday, 7th January 2013.From the attendance of 20 delegates, it was reported that the two-part presentation you delivered on Phobias/Anxieties and Sleep Deprivation, via power point and personally, was communicated professionally.All delegates, a majority of them professional therapists, have reported how informative and interesting the presentation was and look forward to inviting you back for a future presentation. “
Janice Ruffle
Women’s Council
“Within your activity, as a member of the Women’s Council, you had suggested this competition. Apart from being the inspirer of this idea, you were also the person who, through hard work that lasted months, overcame all the different obstacles which were encountered en route. In order that this idea of yours would materialize, it was necessary that you spent countless hours from your own time and that you covered all the expenses incurred for which you asked no reimbursement whatsoever, stating that their payment constituted your personal financial contribution to the project.“
Evgenia Aletra
Professional Women Conference Event
“Gabriella took part in the Professional Women Conference Event on Saturday, 7th September 2013 at the Londa Hotel in Limassol.Her topic “How can I motivate my staff so as to achieve maximum output?” was well presented and equally well received.It was acknowledged that this is often a difficult area for Businesses to deal with. Incentives and recognition can be provided in different forms from financial to a simple note of thanks.”
Chris Parry
AISC Healthy Living Week
“This is to certify that Gabriella Philippou gave a presentation for AISC Healthy Living Week on “What we need to know about Anxiety and how do we handle it?” for grades 6 to 11 on the 2nd of February 2015. 100 students and 10 staff members attended the presentation that lasted 1 hour. The presentation was very interesting with students showing their interest and concerns on the subject. They paid close attention to the speaker’s presentation asking really interesting questions about the subject and their own personal concerns when the presentation finished.”
Michalis Matheou
Graphic Design Club and the Office of Student Affairs of the European University Cyprus
“The seminar was held by Mrs Gabriella Philippou, who is a Person-Centered Psychotherapist-Counsellor, a Career-Vocational Orientation Counsellor and a Trainer for Personal, Professional and Business Development. Students of the Graphic Arts Program and other disciplines found the seminar really helpful as well as interesting and, through the excellent presentation of Mrs Philippou, they acquired knowledge in new fascinating areas such as personal image, economics and marketing. “
Mrs Eleni Markantoni
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