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A fully functioning person is an individual who is continuously working toward becoming self-actualised” – Carl Rogers

The Programme for Personal Development and Self-Knowledge addresses all those who are interested in getting to know themselves better, continuing the “journey” for self-realisation/self-fulfilment having as a goal, the continuous improvement and further development of their entire psychological world, their abilities and skills, thus giving themselves the opportunity to function to the maximum of their capabilities.

As human beings, in order to cope with the demands of our daily programme, we need energy: physical and mental. Physical energy is primarily drawn from our diet and physical exercise while mental energy comes from the positive attitude that we have towards our life. Consequently, the questions which we automatically ask ourselves in the morning, when we open up our eyes, play a protagonistic role in the maintenance of our mental health and, generally, our wellness.

The relationship with ourself as well as our inter-personal relationships are directly connected with our mental health. However, many a times it so happens that we do not have a good relationship with ourselves, a condition which affects negatively our relationships with others and, furthermore, prevents us from approaching as directly as we would have liked the goal to improve our relationship with other human beings. However, we can learn how to develop and improve these relationships by firstly commencing to understand our own self.

Through the sessions, the participant acquires a deeper acquaintance of a higher quality with the other group members as well as with his/her inner self, the self which, on several occasions, tends to hide behind a mask. As the sessions progress a feeling of group spirit, warmth and trust develops, which is not simply the result of a positive attitude but a reality which encompasses positive and negative emotions.

The main elements that shape both the coherence and the development of the group as it develops are empathy, confidentiality, honesty, common acceptance, mutual respect, mutual support, understanding and improvement of the participants’ communication skills. Also, the relationship developed between the participants helps them to understand and work collectively the issues and the problems that concern them, thus leading to a better acquaintance and communication with the self and with the people around them.

Every member of the group is a unique person and, therefore, everyone is individually recognised as having the freedom to follow his/her own personal development rhythm. Therefore, his/her personality and his/her choices are accepted and respected.

Programme Goals

What do meetings entail?

In summary, the Personal Development and Self-Knowledge Programme has as its primary objective the individual development, the development and the improvement of interpersonal communication as well as that concerning the relations of the participants through an empirical process based on unconditional acceptance, empathy and authenticity – the three qualities of Person-centred and Existential Humanitarian and Experiential Psychotherapy that constitute the foundation of the whole process.

Programme Goals

The Personal Development and Self-Knowledge Program is a “meeting” of people, during which participants take the opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, beliefs, prejudices and experiences amongst themselves as well as with the facilitator-coordinator of the group.

The Programme revolves around two inextricably linked axes: self-knowledge and interpersonal relationships.


Lectures, Seminars and Experiential Workshops

Apart from the discussions, as the Programme Facilitator, I present intermittent lectures and seminars focusing on issues of general interest.

Experiential workshops are also run on a variety of topics, such as: goal materialisation techniques, emotional expression, self-activation, empowering, communication, relaxation, and creative visualisation.


I read, I analyse and I conclude

Also, as part of personal development, we share our daily concerns and experiences. Furthermore, we discuss as to how we are affected by what is happening in the world today.Some of the material used comprises news and articles from the local or international press as well as other subjects from different fields such as wellness, ecology and cinematography.



Creative construction work – handicrafts.

Basic Pillars of the Axis of Self-Awareness

Who am I?
How would I like to be?
How do I behave towards others?
How do others behave towards me?

The axis of interpersonal relationships focuses on identifying and exploring the factors that affect our relationships with others at personal, family, work and social levels – for example, habits, fears, phobias, disappointments, bitterness, prejudice, and individual- social value system.

The Group discusses a wide range of topics proposed by both the facilitator and the members themselves. The order of discussion of the issues is decided by a majority of the members of the group. The preliminary agenda includes the following:

What are the values and the purpose of each person?
Self-esteem and self-confidence – how do we cultivate them?
Improvement and/or development of new skills and talents.
Identifying and implementing personal development plans.
How can we use positive thinking, vision and imagination to our advantage?
What is communication? How can we improve our communication skills?
Engaging and communicating at the workplace
Restricted beliefs and beliefs: how can we recognise and how can we change them?
Affluence – Money: What role do they play and how to attract them?
Efficiency: cultivation of intuitive skills and acquisition of techniques for better efficiency
Time Management: goal definition – establishing real needs
Stress management
Anger management
How can I improve my health?
Diet and energy
Diseases – How do we handle them?
Death and near-death experiences
Psychological effects of weather
Moon and its effects on humans
Discussing cultural, environmental, social and political issues

Entertainment and enrichment of knowledge

Various activities are organised in order to further enrich the knowledge of the participants. Of course, entertainment activities are also organised and attended within the framework of the Personal Development and Self-Knowledge Programme. It is to be noted that the final decision, as to what activity to engage in, is taken by the group members. Activities included in the programme are:

Study visits
Visits to museums
Sightseeing tours
Visits to exhibitions (painting, sculpture, etc.)
Outings – excursions
Visits to festivals
Movie nights
Theatre nights
Participating in sports activities
Concert nights

Group Size

8 to 12 people

Once the Programme for Personal Development and Self-knowledge for Adults (English or Greek) begin their work, the groups shall remain open to accept more members, if the maximum number of 12 has not been reached upon their initial enrolment.

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